Sunday, August 9, 2009

With Bernadette in Mozambique

Arrived at Mocuba, setup our camp next to B’s house under the cashew tree.

What change since we were here last June! Clinic finished – I just completed the wiring of lights & plugs.

Veg gardens flourishing.

Heleen who is out from Holland for 8 weeks has been painting around the new buildings.

Bernadette invited 10 guys from various churches in area to attend the electrical course, held over 3 days, and on the last day they fitted the last light needed in the clinic.

But not all work – time to relax too

We were invited to share in Ernesto’s church nearby – taught on living from the heart to God, and not just following laws & routines.

On Monday we took B & Heleen with to Ilha de Mozambique, about 600 km away – a scenic island connected to the mainland by a 3km bridge.

Once the capital of Mozambique, now a photographer’s paradise with ancient forts, churches, mosques, Mediterranean-like streets surrounded by a turquoise sea populated with dhows, people picking seafood off the rocks and more islands.

Kids are naturally drawn to Bernadette ....
Then ‘bush camped’ for 3 nights nearby on a point close to Chocas Mar, ...

.....where we swam, snorkeled in the sea and a lagoon – saw beautiful fishies ( including firefish) - braaied lobster, steak and generally lived like kings ( kings without running water or toilets etc)

Now back at B’s for another week or so – having a good time eating & chatting together, doing odd jobs, .....

...and shopping in Mocuba. ( Water, food for the kids, milk formula and 12 sheets of roof sheeting on top of the car!)

Renewing our passports, Temp Import papers for vehicle etc for an extra 30 days so we can explore Moz coast at leisure when we leave Mocuba.


  1. Hi guys. Thanks for keeping your blog updated. Bernadette's place looks great! I saw Dane yesterday. He looked very relaxed and I can see that the house is still standing :-)

    We Love the photos! Enjoy your adventure & blessings from our Father as you walk the Jesus way (John 14:6)!

    Thinus & Chirani

  2. Hi guys, It is sooo good to see the clinic finished. What a change from when i was there.Good on you Bernadette, a job well done.Your "little trip" to the coast looked veeery interesting, if ever we are so blessed to travel to Moz together again maybe just maybe
    , oh!come on could we go there, please? Sharon only 2 weeks left and im a grandpa,hehehe
    Well my friends, travel well and thanks a lot for a good read, always. Love you both Harold

  3. Hi you careless travellers. Good to see you are having such a wonderful time. What a blessing. Have been checking out all your photo's and just a tad envious...
    You deserve this. Keep on rolling while we are still enjoying the Cape winter!!!
    Love and Hugs
    Sam & Gabby

  4. Enjoyed reading about your trip to Moz. We stayed with Bernadette in July 2010 and we have lost contact with her (problem with the email address)...have you got a contact for her. We stayed for 2 weeks. It was a Salvation Army Mission trip from Victoria, Australia...hope you can help....God Bless..Jen
